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Constructive Conflict Management - New Date

Constructive Conflict Management

November 23, 2022

Time: 08:00 - 16:00
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: CALEP Office In Person
Expect a highly interactive day with your colleagues and leave with a professional training manual!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Review of conflict; how and why it occurs in our relationships. 
  • Discussions relating to how our individual perceptions, assumptions and mindset affect our thoughts, behaviours and attitudes and ultimately the outcome of our personal interactions. 
  • Presentation & discussion around the need for professionalism, strategies for managing our own anger during difficult interactions and strategies for managing strong emotions in 'difficult people’. 
  • Specific focus on the skill of defusing angry people we will explore the theory of 'response expectation' and the 'emotion/reason equilibrium’. This provides understanding of why people act as they do in conflict.  
  • Discussion of Active Listening Skills which includes: paraphrasing, labelling emotion, empathic response, summarizing, confronting statements, use of ‘I' Messages, use of silence and a number of strategic questioning techniques.
  • Last resort strategy to use, when all other means of resolution have been unsuccessful.

This course will begin at 8:00 AM and run until 4:00 PM with a one-hour lunch break. Light refreshments; no food provided.