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2015 CAPL Operating Procedure (2 day)

May 28 - 29, 2024

Time: 08:30
Location: CALEP Office Suite 1600, 520 5th Ave SW


This is a two-day seminar intended for land personnel involved with agreements on a day-to-day basis who require a thorough understanding of the CAPL Operating Procedure. It is not recommended for personnel who do not deal with the CAPL Operating Procedure regularly during their day-to-day responsibilities. 


The CAPL Operating Procedure is the industry benchmark document for operations conducted on jointly held lands. It sets forth procedures for dealing with AFEs, Operators' rights and duties, indemnification and liability, insurance, marketing, independent operations, facilities construction, dispositions of interest, and many more items of concern that arise between joint interest parties. This seminar will detail the 1990 and 2015 CAPL Operating Procedures, emphasizing their day-to-day application. In addition, comparisons will be made to previous CAPL Operating Procedures in certain vital areas.

Registration Fee includes beverages and snacks.
You can save $50 when you register at least three weeks in advance! Prices will increase three weeks before the course.


Jim MacLean

Jim MacLean is the Principal of MacLean Resource Management Ltd. He has a broad range of experience from his consulting practice and prior assignments with Repsol/Talisman and Chevron, including Western Canadian negotiations for conventional and unconventional projects, Acquisitions and Divestitures, and management.  He has worked directly on many industry standardization and work process improvement initiatives. He has been the principal draftsman of several industry documents, including (i) the 2015, 2007, and 1990 CAPL Operating Procedures; (ii) the 2015 and 1997 CAPL Farmout & Royalty Procedures; and (iii) the 2017 and 2000 CAPL Property Transfer Procedures, and he also played a major role in the creation of the 2018 PJVA-CAPL Pad Site Sharing Agreement. He has been an instructor at CAPL courses on the Operating Procedure, the Farmout & Royalty Procedure, and the Property Transfer Procedure. He has written numerous articles on land-related matters. He is a graduate of Dalhousie Law School.


Main Event 2024-05-28 08:30 - 16:00
Main Event: 2024-05-29 08:30 - 16:00