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Dress for Success

May 16 - 31, 2024

Time: 09:00
Location: Dress for Success - CALEP Drop off loacation

Help empower women as they strive to realize their full potential by donating your gently used professional attire and accessories. Box it up, bag it, or use a suitcase and take it to the CALEP office from May 16 to 31, 2024 at any time during office hours. Jaguar Land Group, CAPLA, and CALEP are hosting a clothing drive for the benefit of Dress for Success. We kindly ask CAPLA and CALEP members to donate the following items in any size: 

  • Tops 
  • Pants 
  • Blazers 
  • Flat shoes 
  • Purses 
  • Spring coats in all sizes 
  • Jewelry 
  • Unopened toiletries 

Last year, 1,575 clients were styled using 38,000 donated items to Dress for Success. 


Dress for Success Calgary is devoted to its mission of helping women succeed in the workplace and achieve economic independence. Their clients experience personal styling sessions at their boutique in a one-on-one and comfortable atmosphere. Interview and employment outfits are chosen for the client based on their individual needs and preferences. Learn more at 

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